Saturday, April 03, 2010

Quiet = Trouble (usually)

I am so blessed to have a built in playmate with the boys. I was able to get my sister's wedding quilt done, curtains hemmed, and started on the 3 Tshirt quilts I have to do all with my boys playing nicely with each other. I become super suspicious when the pitter patter of feet stop, because that means they have done something really bad or they are not within my ear range.

2 projects into the morning I could not hear them playing upstairs any I went to investigate. I knew I had left a bag of sugar on the table (from breakfast) and I had a few other possible disasters waiting to be initiated by the boys I cautiously went upstairs. This is what I found...
...two innocent boys watching TV without clothes. I am glad it wasn't sugar, but I wasn't sure why they didn't have clothes on,but it made me laugh!

Thanks to Cindy (our postmaster) the boys received a package in the mail today. They LOVED the candy, stickers and STICKY HAND in it.

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