Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stories from Last week

From the last post, I have not had my camera sorry that these stories are pictureless.

Locked in car
- I got out of the car on Wed night between School and Awana. I left the keys and my purse (which holds the spare set) in the car. Kenner proceeded to climb into the front see pursuing gum, but found my keys. He then pushed every button on the keys - lock, unlock, lock, panic button. Meanwhile Kenner's side door is open and Patton still in his heavy harnessed car seat. I ripped the keys out of Kenner's hands, pressed the panic and thought all was okay. Kenner climbed out and closed the door as I ventured around the car to get Patton out. Went to open Patton's door, when I realized it was locked. Patton must have read the expression on my face, because he let out a shrill like no other. The poor child was locked in the car while locked in his car seat. It was like a person stuck in a fish bowl. Daddy was summoned by Kenner and Daddy stepped Patton through the process to get out of his shoulder straps enough to reach for the car door. Only in time for me to test all the doors one more time and viola...the driver's side door was unlocked. AMEN. Thanks to child lock's...Patton would not have been able to get out of the car even if he would have been able to reach the door handle.

Stop and sit down Mommy
- Kenner and Patton (and I) did our first Lincoln Safari this weekend. We went to the Water Conservation garden (which I might add many of the plants in the garden are ones we have around our house...5 points for us for choosing the cheapest plants but also the ones that take the least amount of water). The garden is on North 27th, which is a very busy street. I really wanted the boys to get out in the nice weather, blow off some steam and get back in the car so I could get some things done. Kenner and Patton wanted to sit on a bench. "Sit on a bench and watch the TRAFFIC?" I thought. I refused at first, then sat. It is amazing how fast we all go, but hardly ever take time to just sit and watch. I had a boy on either side of me. It was a great time to reflect how quickly their 3 and 4 year old lives have passed and I am continued to be worried about getting my to do list done. Hmmm...reality check? I think so!

Helicopter lands in SPRAGUE
- On Saturday, the boys and I arrived in Sprague, only to be passed by speeding police cars and an ambulance. Every time I see one I pray for the person and the family that is suffering. We pulled up and saw many people gathered around the bar. Then we heard a helicopter...surely they wouldn't bring a helicopter to Sprague. They sure did and it landed in a grassy field just outside the town. A high school boy had been doing tricks on his bike when he landed face first into the concrete going quite fast. I pray for the boy that he recovers. By the time he was being flown, he was able to recall his name. It brought back many memories of our sweet (CRAZY) Kenner who was flown to Omaha. Yuck and THANK YOU GOD for allowing us more time with Kenner. May this too be a reminder that I take a lot for granted...and kissing my boys to bed and hearing them say, "I love you Mom." Is something I won't take for granted.

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