Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am here...

I am not sure where I have been, but it has not been on the internet blogging. Beware of random photos of the last two months. Yikes...two months!
the boys enjoying a ride w/ Daddy. Obviously Kenner and Dad didn't think Patton's brain was important enough to protect. At Belivdere Museum Days. Kenner and Patton were so proud. They brought their own chore money and chose to buy italian ice BY THEMSELVES.
In preparation of finding something to buy w/ their chore money (2.00 whopping dollars), Patton said he wanted to find something from Toy Story 3. Sure enough, he found a home made photo book that was covered in Toy Story Fabric. What were the chances w/ less than 10 booths!

Rylan feeding Great Grandpa
I love this picture as they are each doing their own thing but doing the same activity. Life of crazy boys!
Playing w/ Great Grandpa's Trains. Obviously Kenner is stating, One more turn MOM!
Great Grandpa and his crew....wrecking crew or working crew. We will let Grandpa name this crew.
We were able to have a bonfire w/ the GREATest Grandpas...Great Grandpa Jim, Grandpa Pat, Great Grandpa Roger, Great Grandma Jackie, and Great Great Grandpa Cornie

Our Great Great Grandpa Cornie w/ the crew.

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