Sunday, November 28, 2010

Norf Dakota

Curling 101
Thanks to Grandpa Culyer's brother, we (or they I was a spectator) were able to learn the basics of curling. Fun times!
Casey trying his hand at it.
Patton finally braved the ice to try it. He and Kenner were able to have their own lane to do their own stone "throwing."
Casey doing some sweeping. Casey said it was harder than it looked.
Kenner felt so confident after he was done, as he climbed in the car he stated, "I think I should get a medal for being so good at that." Ummm maybe need to work on humility! He was quite the bragger at his new game, Blink, too. Yikes. I saw a bit too much of myself coming out...scary!

Patton needed a few more tries to get used to throwing the stone down the ice. It was fun though! Kenner really got good at hurling the stone down the ice by the time he was done.
Kenner playing cards w/ the big kids!
Cousin Rachel and Kenner. Rachel was the horse.

Did Great Grandma Ruth really say, "Who farted?" every time we have a camera out the boys say what Grandma Ruth said...Gotta love the smiles though!

Great Grandpa Culyer and boys Uncle Wevi

Aunt Wucy

Boys were COMPLETELY spoiled w/ the loads of tractors, trucks and implements to play w/ along with all the playmates. Thanks EVERYONE for playing w/ them. They are still talking about it!

Kenner teaching the older crowd how to play the intense game of S'Match. A MUST play game for all 3-5's.

**this is suppose to be at the top of the post...but too little patience and wanting to go to bed makes this stay at the bottom.
We were and are continually blessed w/ an abundance of family. Unfortunately that makes for an unsolvable equation when it comes to spending it with all family on all holidays. We do not have the equation solved...but for this weekend, I think we made the right choice by making the slippery choice to brave the weather and travel to North (or norf) Dakota to Casey's grandparent's house. It was a perfect opportunity for us as a family to get away one last time before the little peanut arrives in 6 weeks.

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