Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas in Aurora

Patton is sitting on Dennis's rocking horse from when he was little. It is just amazing that last year Patton was just a month old and now look at him... Isn't that nice? Patton is thinking...who let this lard on here? Iwas having a good time by myself!
The Svitak family! Someone somewhere this Christmas said to me, "Boy you sure got your family in no time." I never thought about having a family of four:) That is a nice thought. Some how I always think - 2 boys 15 months apart...AHHH!
Uncle Levi and Aunt Lucy with Patton and Kenner
Kenner and Levi laughing histerically at Levi's new "Snap Circuit" activity. Kenner loved when the fan hit the ceiling.

Look who is walking all over the place. I do believe Patton was a "closet" walker. He is able to get up in the middle of the room and walk...not a typical "beginning" walker. I do believe that he crammed while in the comfort of his own room while alone in order to gain the confidence to walk without fear of being plowed over by his big brother! Kenner the big helper...setting the table.
Lucy made Casey a cherry pie and me a peach pie for our birthdays (yes mine was in August...but it is the thought that counts:)) Kenner took a liking or licking to Lucy's peach pie filling. First he loved the pie, then...
he went for the left over filling on one plate, then
three more! Thanks Lu for the great pies...right Kenner?

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