Monday, April 27, 2009

Miss Aunt Becca

It was a bittersweet dinner tonight with Gma and Gpa Kenner. Casey was able to go with me to Red Robin with the boys and meet Gma and Gpa on their way home from Minnesota...but Aunt Becca and Uncle Mike were missing. This is just one of the many times I have GREATLY missed Aunt Becca in Lincoln. I realize that a majority of their friends are in Omaha, Becca's job, etc, etc, etc...but I really don't think she knows how much the boys and miss being able to call Aunt Becca for Culver's or Biggest Loser night.

Have a good life in Omaha Loser Aunt case your friend's don't like you any more we will always gladly take you back in Lincoln!

BTW...CONGRATS with the New house. Again...if that doesn't pull through there is a house for sale across the street from us that I would gladly help with the down payment:)

Love and miss you Aunt Becca. That Aunt Annie better realize what she has up there...

1 comment:

JAR Family said...

I totally do... but this brought me to tears! Yes, I do feel rather guilty but in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM did I tell her to move. It was THEIR decision... :) I love it but I also feel bad for you! I'm sorry!