Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Blessings....

This is 1/2 half of the room at my Grandparent's house (the family with 9 kids in my mom's family). We are so blessed to have so many and so much love. Instead of doing a grab bag this year, we decided to give back to others then come back and tell everyone what we did. It was pretty cool just sharing of love to feel the real reason for the season. * We were also very thankful for a tractor aka generator. The electricity went out just as we sat down to eat. We thought we had run out of water, which meant no going to the bathroom. Luckily, they just needed to run the tractor a bit higher:)
We had an EXTREMELY special gift presentation first...KENDRA AND TREVOR ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!! WHAT a BLESSING!!! It reminded me that everything happens with God's timing! After the special announcement, Kendra reminded everyone to not put anything on facebook or the internet as they had not told Trevor's family yet....
Both Caleb and Craig said, "Too late." Just kidding. BUT it is sad that a person could inform the world in two seconds when we didn't have power. Gotta love technology AND NEW BABIES!!!!

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