Monday, December 28, 2009

Great Gpa's Bank...aka Train shop

The boys are so blessed to have so many grandparents in their lives. We were only able to hang with 7 of the many grandparents this weekend due to the snow :(. Here is a pic of Bubbi, my dad (grandpa), my grandpa (great grandpa), and Kenner watching train pictures from my dad's new iTV. Kenner got to go with Grandpa Jimmy a couple weeks ago by himself. He called it "Grandpa's Bank." This trip we were in the real bank with my mom and Kenner was requesting to go to Grandpa's bank. My mom proceeded tell Kenner that this was his Grandpa's bank. No, he continued to deny. He took my mom to the window of the Bank, pointed across the street and said, "That is Grandpa's bank." Little does Kenner know that Grandpa's Bank is really truly called, "Grandpa's Train shop." :) Grandpa took us all down to play. Here are few pictures of the boys, the awesome landscaping and good ole Grandpa at work:)

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