Tuesday, August 10, 2010

don't fall over...

Hello blog viewers - I hope that you are still out there. It is always crazy in the Svitak household, so it has taken me awhile to adjust to a new schedule (both work and cleaning *flylady.net). I feel more than ever that God has placed me in the correct work setting in order to allow me to feel a balance to my life.

I know I can't speak from too much experience, but working 7 hours a day and being able to leave at 7 hours and not bring anything home has been great. I love being in Lincoln as it saves me 40 minutes just to run errands. I have been blessed with a better than ever babysitter for the boys. Kenner has done more writing in the 4 days that he has been in daycare than he has in the past years at other places. I was again worried and questioned God's opinion about me switching jobs which placed the boys in a new daycare and Kenner without preschool. Why do we question God? I am thankful that he has reminded me subtly that he is always in control and knows what is best. If I could only write this on my forehead to remember every day.

Another blessing has been the flylady and her outlook on keeping the house clean. When I mentioned this on facebook, everyone thought she was quite overwhelming and crazy. Well right up my alley. I like her, because you can do as much or as little and still feel like your house is put together.

I am so thankful for a more than generous and loving family. I came down with a kidney infection on my 2nd day of work last week and was out of it for two days. Casey was able to pick up the boys and take them to Elge's, then my mom picked them up from Elge's for a few days. I am so thankful to have so many Grandparents involved in their lives. They learn so much without even others knowing what they learn:) While Casey was busy with the boys, Kendra and Trevor were assisting me back to health (while Kendra was more than 9 months along). Their self-sacrifice to come to my aide is so humbling and inspiring. Words can't describe the thankfulness I have for everyone to helped me in some way last week. I love you!

My job is interesting, challenging, and stressful BUT ONLY if I allow it to be. I have great supports that are allowing me to learn. It is SUCH a change from the school setting, much more laid back and less stress. Although I won't have next summer off...I have so much more time after work with my boys that I don't need an entire summer off. I continue to pray for my patience and for the patiences of others to cont to allow me to learn more about my job.

Have a great Wednesday...is it already Wednesday?

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