Saturday, August 28, 2010

Scrapbooking 2 years later...

the boys and I have had a very productive day. I have been reading the book, Sink Reflections by the Fly Lady . It is about home making. She has really inspired me. She tells me to do things that Casey has requested me doing. Little did I know that actually listening to my husband would make things easier for me in our house. I am just LOVING our new carpet. It is an amazing feeling to have a great foot massage on the way down the stairs in the morning.

What have we done today?
-Chores (boys put two loads of dishes away from dishwasher)
-Freezer cooking
-Made two pies
-Made homemade maple syrup
-Ate 3 meals at home today:)
-Cleaned out closets and put things where they belong
-Played outside
-SCRAPBOOKED. I am only 2 years behind...yikes! I was able to do all these pages (plus the double for the other boy) thanks to Scrapbook Factory Deluxe. I just ordered the 5th version of it for $20.00. It has many premade sheets, so I am using them and adjusting them to our life. I am saving them as JPEG's then putting them immediately into a Walgreen's photo book. I will order the book when they go on sale. It has been fun, while the boys are playing with all the NEW toys that we found while cleaning out closets. It was great to have the windows open this morning and able to put up the red N on the week until game day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you do online scrappin??? What website do you use?