Sunday, December 05, 2010

December Photo Project 5 "Neighbor Love"

We made massive amounts of cookies yesterday that year after year I have great intentions of giving them to our neighbors, but w/ the hustle and bustle of the holidays I never get around to actually delivering them. Today I put my two delivery boys to work. We LOVE our neighbors/town and my boys LOVE taking things to them.

Today was just odd one was home. It wasn't until I saw a family enter the Town Hall that I realized they were all at a potluck that we were supposed to be at too. I have this freezer full of food, but it all took too long to bake (because I realized this at 5:00 when the potluck started). I brought my handy dandy Raspberry Habenero Sauce w/ cream cheese and crackers. This was the first year we have remembered about it in enough time to get to see Santa and get door prizes. I was in such a hurry that the camera didn't make the trip. It was our 3rd Santa sighting in 2 weeks, so I was okay w/ missing it. It was a picture of our neighbor Yoshi on our good friend Don's lap that I missed. It would have maybe ousted this picture for today. We are so blessed to live in such a great community so close to the larger ammenities of life in Lincoln.

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