Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Very BELATED Birthday to our 6 year old

This picture reminds me of all the old pictures that everyone took on their birthday about 20 years ago. Kenner loved having 3 parties this year...or so he called them parties. i called them a chance to hang out with different family and friends each time. We are so blessed! Kenner's cake was an (lame) attempt at making a tire for Cars 2. I really didn't have time to make a cake, so this is the most pitiful cake i have make for the poor child...he loved it. It makes me realize that spending a lot of time on something isn't worth it, when he was satisfied with some and a candle! All about perspective, which is my latest "a-ha" moment in parenting. No need to go to a movie and spend a ton of money on the movie, treats, etc. Instead DVR America's Got Talent, pop popcorn and my boys are in Heaven!!! I can't believe my first baby is 6 and will be going to Kindergarten in a month. YIKES! Love em' when they are young!
Another story in perspective...for some random reason, Red Robin is our restaurant of choice for all birthdays or celebrations. The boys thought I would like it to go to for Mother's Day. we did have my 30th birthday there as well as Patton's birthday...so I guess you can call it a tradition that I didn't know we had. That was until Kenner's REAL birthday. We had a party for Kenner on the Sunday before. We went to the Cars 2 movie with Lane, Josh, Brock, Luke, Jasa, Olivia, Atlie, and family. I thought, "done with birthday." On his birthday, of course, I kept telling him Happy birthday...as birthdays are a BIG deal:) He went to Bible school, then to Sarah's. I had asked him the night before what I could make for his birthday. Ravioli it was (the real kind...not from the can). I went to work and picked up the boys. Kendra and Sarah both informed me that we WERE going to Red Robin for supper. Hmmm...not in the plans, but Kenner was NOT budging. So at 4:30 on his REAL birthday, I, only ME, took the three boys to Red Robin. Kenner was so excited! It was fun and we were home and in bed by 8. Gotta love boys and their dream Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to my BIG guy!

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