Hello family and friends! I have told myself the last hour and 1/2 that I MUST keep going to update the blog, for if I didn't tonight it would be another month and then it would take me even longer. i am so blessed to have so much to blog about. I didn't even touch the fun Kenner had with Yoshi on their first after school time playing chinese checkers, Kenner being most concerned about on what is for lunch the next day, Ike crawling like a maniac and needing to move his bed down for fear that he might fall out as he has been STANDING in his crib, and bub...
Hope you enjoy the MANY pictures and little stories to go with them.
love you all and thanks for checking in with the Svit Family
Monday, August 22, 2011
Birthday Fun!
This weekend I was treated to several nice outings with family. I truly am so blessed to have such a great support of family and friends around to help lift me up when life gets a bit hard without Casey around. Thank you all for a great weekend!
kenner and jayden having fun at Red Robin.
The look from Kenna
Jaggar and Ike having a great little talk about life
this is what I found on my porch this morning protecting my house. I don't know about you, but I don't think a robber would be able to attempt to hurt our house b/c he would be keeled over laughing to hard at the pathetic little boy protecting our house...don't know about you, but I can't stop laughing at Bub! gotta love his devil child.
kenner and jayden having fun at Red Robin.
Future Facebook Profile Pics
Thursday August 19th was Kenner 's first day of a BIG school. It was a day that I was prepared for, but not in this way. I set out 6 years ago to know that I would be working at the school my children would attend. I would know all the ins and outs so that I could prepare them for their first day of school. THEN I decided to get a new job and all those plans went out the door. My prayers were answered that we Kenner got into Norris, but I have only been there one or two times. I was/am one of those parents that train their children for school but have NO idea what to tell them what their day will be like or try to predict in order to ask them the right questions when they get home. All my fears were calmed when Kenner got off the bus after being at school and said, "Mom Mrs. Dudley was dressed as Bob the Builder." Not that dressing like a character demonstrates the quality of teaching that will go into the classroom...but I was assured that she will go beyond her basic needs to make Kenner's year go well. amen!
The boys by the big tree. One of my mom's favorite pictures of us was on the first day of school...I wonder what my favorite pictures will be?
Kenner by the tree. My cousin Astraea took pictures by the same tree year after year to see the child grow as well as the tree. Not that you can see much of the tree...but it will be fun to see how much they both grow.
My three boys on the porch. Ike is thinking...what are we doing!?!?
The boys by the big tree. One of my mom's favorite pictures of us was on the first day of school...I wonder what my favorite pictures will be?
Best Buds...forever!
and ever!
The big kid at the post office waiting for his bus to come.
Trying to take the perspective that my friend, Rebecca Treadway would. I tried...but she is just good:)
Kenner had his first day of KINDERGARTEN THIS WEEK!!! These are pictures from the Open house night. It is amazing how much he grows up when you put a BIG backpack on him. Crazy to think that he was just a little baby moving into our current house just 6 years ago.
Kenner and his new hero, Mrs. Dudley
Fruit Salad and SMURFS
Since Daddy was gone, i took it upon myself to GO CRAZY! I allowed the boys to pick out their own fruit for a fruit salad, cut it up themselves, and serve it to me. Not too bad and BOY a lot of fun! Look at those faces!! too bad we are still stepping on sticky floors after cleaning x 4.
The taste tester
The Head CHef
The Sous (sp?) Chef
I...hmm, I mean, the boys thought it was very important since we had gotten 4 smurfs that we try to get all of them. We succeeded in two days and going to all the McDonald's in Lincoln except the one in Walmart on N 27th and the one across the street from that Walmart. Thanks to Wooci for picking up the Chef (not to be confused with the baker) in Aurora and bringing it to us when she comes to College.
The Sous (sp?) Chef
Keeping track of the Svitak's
In case you get lost in trying to keep track of us in the next few posts...July came and went along with the first couple weeks of August. I had to go to Pittsburgh for work, so the boys went to Aurora. I got home, Casey left for Alaska for 3 weeks, we went to Omaha, Aurora, Lincoln, Aurora, and many other places in between. I can't even keep it straight now. Needless to say...fun was had by all! AND many thanks go out to ALL the grandparents for helping me out! I appreciate it all!
More fun in Aurora and GUM!!!
As you can see we have a very HAPPY little boy with A LOT of gum SMEARED into his hair. I only knew to put lighter fluid into things to get the gum out. 1) I didn't have the lighter fluid 2) Ummm didn't want to put it into his hair. Therefore the only solution left (or so I thought) was to cut it all off. Here it is after I snipped some off, then thought " this is something that needs to be blogged."
the Grayish tint to his hair isn't the light but rather blueish bum SMEARED into his hair by no one other than his brother. Why? you may be asking yourself...per Kenner report, "Mom he didn't want to take my gum (already chewed), so I got mad and put it in his hair." Neat...I thought
the new Bub!
the new Bub!
Coco Keys, Roomservice, FUN IN OMAHA
Wowzers...I came across this great deal from chicks Dig Deals that was on the Deal Garden for a 2 night stay, 4 2 day passes to the Coco Keys water resort, $40 arcades, and $80 room service credit for $144...It was well worth it. Thanks to Grandma Carlece for going with us to have a great time. The boys definitely learned how to swim much better thanks to this trip!
Here are the two "SPECIAL" uncles who took the boys to the water park c/o Phineas and Ferb stickers to keep their passes on.
Here are the two "SPECIAL" uncles who took the boys to the water park c/o Phineas and Ferb stickers to keep their passes on.