Monday, July 23, 2007


We had to keep Patton company while in the boat, so why not try a little grape twizzlers for the first time. Looks like he loved it!! Ahh! Kenner decided to take a nap. Finally a little calm on the seas...
Just kidding! I wasn't sleeping!
I am not sure what Kenner was trying to do, but he wanted the big person's life jacket on over his. Maybe he thought he really didn't have a life jacket on...when he really did with his slick one piece life jacket.
Patton admiring the waves of Rush lake.
Kenner wanted to have a picnic outside, so Patton and Annie and I joined him. Note that Patton isn't sitting in that seat by himself, we tied him in with a towel.
The "pooh"-ol Gpa brought out for us! Mommie realized what the little swimmer diapers actually hold...nothing! (including when someone goes #2)
You caught me!
Mommie wasn't very nice and tried dunking Kenner in the lake. Annie was much nicer than Mommie! He loved getting his hair wet though:)
Patton loved the lake! What's up homie!

Great Gpa and Kenner looking for Nemo's! There were plenty out there. Next year we will have to go with Daddy to fish!
Eating alone is now over...look who wanted my cone!
Look who got my cone!
Look who got their own, because that battle was lost long long ago!
Gma and Gpa enjoying a cone of their own...and now they are enjoying a peaceful time in their cabin without the two generals!
Hey look who is crawling!! What out brother! I have watched you too long to not pick up on ALL of your tricks...including taking my pacifier way! he he he

The photo opp in front of the sign! Nice Hair Mommie!!
Annie was concerned that you couldn't see our here they are close up!
One minute in the car....
Two minutes in the car...(gotta love technology these days!)


Astraea said...

Oh, how I wish we were there!!! NEXT YEAR!! Could we lock all the cuties in the basement...he he he!

Anonymous said...

Hope you and your fam are having fun...looks like it! Thinking of you!!! Call me if you need to talk or vent or whatever! (: