Monday, May 11, 2009

Ha-BEE Mother's day

Casey and I were busily at work outside cleaning up our garden. I just had all the bee garb on watching him do his bee thing. It was cool, but surreal that the bees would just fly all around me or hit my hat...but not bother my hands or calves or feet that were not covered. We put the bee garb away, let the bees sit for 10 minutes and back out we went cleaning up around the hive/garden. I wasn't even given a warning about this little bee friend and it got me on the eye lid. Yes OUCH! I can see a bit better today (because my eye is a 1 cm open). I went to Urgent Care and apparently I am allergic to bee stings. Not the bad swollen throat kind, but bad enough to swell like an egg on my eye and not allow me to see. Fun times! Hopefully I can go to work today and be awake all day. I was gracious to have a wonderful husband to fullfill all the duties of mom and dad this weekend...because I was WIPED. I haven't been up for more than 3 hours straight since Saturday afternoon. Speaking of a good Daddy...look who made home made sugar cookies with two friends this weekend?


Anonymous said...

Aw! Sorry that happened to you, Rhi! Kinda ironic that your allergic, huh? How sweet of Casey to bake with the boys!

JustAMom said...

Yeee-ow-zaa!!! Hope your eye is feeling better! And homemade sugar cookies... hm...

Astraea said...

You look hot with one eye! xoxox

kayder1996 said...

You always manage to have such interesting maladies. Vertigo, bee sting reactions...

Unknown said...

Oh Rhi. It could only happen to you! Or me, I guess, cause I am horribly unlucky, but you spend more time around bees than I do...
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better. I cannot wait for school to be done! All this paperwork is stressful. At least I had a good teacher! :)
And Casey baking with the boys...priceless. What a great guy!