Monday, May 04, 2009

too much to

I resort to doing none of it.
List to get done:
Laundry - a week or more of it
Clean up after supper
put dishes away in dish washer
play with boys
Caleb's Scrapbooks of his four years of high school
Caleb's Tshirt quilt (not even started...still in tshirt form)
Rake up the straw in our yard so our new little grass can grow
more and more and more

When I see an end in sight of school being out in two weeks...I resort to doing nothing. BUT unfortunately nothing will do it's self and it all needs to be done before school gets out. I guess life trumps me! Maybe this one night off will motivate me to get me going!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Uggh...I know the feeling. Enjoy a night off; all of that stuff will wait!