Monday, January 17, 2011

Grateful - day 1

Words can't express how grateful I am for so many things. I guess that is what a person gets when they complain for 9 months about having another baby in the family. God does not give us things we can not handle nor need. I just wish that I would be better in being content and allowing God do the work and trust in Him.

I am so grateful for so many things, but need to write them down to assist me in remembering:)
- A long hospital stay: W/out the long stay, I would have been home w/ Ike when a varicose vein decided to make its way into my milk. This caused Ike to spit up a lot of blood and after putting tube down his throat caused the nurses to pull another 20 cc's out of his tummy. I was calm throughout the enitre event, because there were nurses, his doctor, a neonatal doctor, and lactation consultant working w/ me. Had this happened the first day at home...we would have started on a different note.
- A long hospital stay: Allowed me time to establish Ike and I time, before diving into a household of boys waiting for us to come home and give them the same attention pre-Ike.
- Ike's ability to nurse. What was previously tagged as "the most painful, horrible" experience of my life aka nursing w/ Kenner and Patton is now known as "a good nursing baby." AMEN!
- Family: My mom has super cleaned my entire house and was around the first day and 1/2 of us being home. It was so nice to have her here and have her added touch of cleanliness to our house.
- Family: Never ending love and support of all family whether in person or away. The phone calls, visits, and love is much appreciated.
- Boys: Laughter of two boys and the love for their little brother is undeniable. I was able to give them the ability to share in a FIRST for me (as a mother of three)...Ike pooped on me while changing his diaper. The boys were both there: one handing me wipes and the other the diaper. I have never heard them laugh so hard. This experience brought out the need to tell them about how they have peed on me, on the wall, etc...BUT never POOPED! I hope this isn't a prediction of what he is going to give me in the future.
- Farm rocker: The rocker that also rests level to put a sleeping baby in IS A LIFESAVER. I don't know what I would do w/out it.

Last but not husband! He was able to experience his first two days alone w/ the older boys by himself. I have never heard so many stories of fun coming from them.

There are many other things to be grateful for...but now that Ike is sleeping, I am going to take time to be grateful for a nap:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad all is going well, Rhi! I just knew that everything would work itself out just as God designed it..he was behind the whole process and WOW the extra long hospital stay..what a blessing in disguise!! Can't wait to see you guys! Let me know if you will be heading this way.