Thursday, January 27, 2011

Weeks one and two

Pardon the randomness of my blog. It was once organized, but in attempt to document all the funny stories w/ my lack of sleep mind I am resorting to unorganized documentation:)
The boys went back to daycare for one day until a little boy got they are home w/ me. Wouldn't it be convienent for Ike to do well sleeping through the night on the day the boys weren't here, but has NOT slept at all at night the last two nights that I have needed energy and sleep during the day but impossible when the boys are here. In attempt to resort to food instead of sleep, I decided to make homemade cinnamon rolls w/ my bread maker. My friend Chris posted about making homemade bread on facebook, my uncle Kevin is on a huge kick of using his bread in honor of both of them I decided to try my hand at homemade bread. I didn't feel like I left it up to the bread machine to do the failing. The first batch of whole wheat bread didn't rise. Lesson learned: don't use expired yeast! The second batch of sticky buns w/ the boys' help was delish. I think it might be the closest recipe to the famous Sticky rolls from Smitty's!! YUMMO! STICKY BUNS RECIPE for bread maker:
Large Loaf - put all ingredients in the bread maker in this order
1 1/4 cup water
3 cups white bread flour (I used regular flour and they turned out)
2 TBSP Dry Milk *note to self...just go out and buy a canister of dry milk. Never know when you need milk for a recipe or have a craving for homemade bread in the bread machine
3 TBSP sugar
1 tsp salt
3 TBSP butter (I softened it to almost melting)
2 tsp Fast Rise Yeast (which i used) or 3 tsp Active Dry Yeast

Remove dough from machine after the dough or manual cycle is completed, then follow the process steps.

Sticky Sauce
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup pecans (didn't put in mind)

1/3 cup soft butter
1 tsp cinnamon

Prepare sticky sauce and purt into 13x9 pan. Sprinkle w/ broken nuts. Turn dough out on floured surface (it will be sticky) and punch down (boys favorite part!). Roll down into 16 x 10 rectangle. Dot w/ soft butter and sprinkle cinnamon. Roll jelly roll style and pinch seams together. Slice 1 1/2 inch thick and place into pan on top of sticky sauce, and let double in size (about one hour). bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes. Cool for no more than 3 minutes then invert into pan so sauce and nuts are on top. YUMMO

SNOW PANTS: $4.00 on clearance last year
35 degrees outside
HUGE snow pile on OUR yard
= 35 minutes of quiet time inside w/ Ike and Mommy.

Some cute quotes and memories from the snow pile: (note: all these quotes came through the glass as our front door doesn't work)
*As the Crete bus pulls up: "MOM IS THIS THE NORRIS BUS?" an excited Kenner realizes that that might be his bus when he goes to Kindergarten. We have been talking alot about Norris lately as we will find out on March 13th if they accept option students in Kindergarten. Pray pray pray!
* Kenner and Patton team up to throw snow balls at a boy walking home from his Norris bus. The boy takes post on the other side of the street and they have a snowball fight. All just fun and games though. I did have to open a window to tell the boys not to be mean as they were really getting him!
Just Dad and his boys. Daddy had been working hard insulating the don't mind the new hair style. Kenner and Dad now have had a haircut:)

Ike on his first outing (other than the first doctor's appt) to church. I couldn't help but take a pic of Ike in the cutest hat I ever had on Patton. Ike has Patton's hair and Kenner's face.

Ike watching his first NU basketball game w/ dad via internet! Yes Casey is that intense as they lost to Tech...not a good night for daddy!

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