Sunday, August 19, 2007

Notes from Grandma's house

August 8th was dooms day for me, as I had to go back to school. We started with kids on the 13th. I can positively say that I have one week down:) My wonderful babysitter had a baby this summer and wasn't able to start watching the boys until the 13th, so my wonderful mother graciously took the boys from Tuesday the 7th to Saturday the 11th. Here are a few notes from their adventures at grandma's house:

Email sent Friday, August 10th:
I thought I would get up early to work on the computer a bit. Kenner was up at 6:30 (went to bed at 8) -so much for alone time. Pat went out to the garage to air up the new floater for swimming for Patton and Kenner discovered the ping pong ball and paddle. We noticed last night that he was sliding and now while working on the computer I am dodging a tennis ball. Our new game is that he throws the ball and I hit it with the paddle. He is a bit confused with all of the sports that he has watched because he says "hike....go!" (***NOTES FROM MOM: he is actually saying "Ready...then you are suppose to say set...then he says GO!****) when he wants me to hit the ball (at least I have some warning of the ball coming). He also likes to hit the ball with the paddle but he mimics the stand of a baseball player.
Since baseball was the last sport that he watched he tends to do more things that he watched in baseball. I just thought you guys would get a kick out of the visual of me trying to type with a paddle in one hand, dodging the tennis ball (he has quite the arm too!).
We have gone to the pool the last 2 days and Kenner is becoming more daring. He went down the slide yesterday with Calicia and nearly removed her top. He also has a shiner from 2 days ago from simply trying to put his head under water (he accidently hit the side of the pool). Patton loves the pool too.

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