Saturday, August 11, 2007

You know when you live in a small town, when...

You know you live in a small town, when you leave your keys in your car at night unlocked and don't think twice about it.

You know you live in a big world, when you wake up on a Saturday morning to find that your truck is gone. So first instincts you travel the town and surrounding areas to try to recall whom you told they could use it for the day. Then after searching for 45 minutes you come home to a blinking red light on the answering machine. The message on the answering machine states: "Hello this is Cindy from Seward County 911 office. I am calling to report that a forest green Chevy pickup is engulfed in flames on a road between Pleasant Dale and Milford. If this is your vehicle please call..."

This message was left on our answering machine this am at 5:30 am! Ugh what to do. So many questions pop through your head and you begin to question the world. Where is the trust in others? Do you continue to trust or do you become paranoid? I have taken the latter this evening. I have locked every lock that can be locked on our house. It is so crazy to think what was going on in the minds of the person or people that took our truck.

We get to visit our loyal truck tomorrow (and hopefully we buy a camera before then) so I will report again on it tomorrow. But for tonight we are safe and sound in our locked little house with two precious boys and a great husband.

When things like this happen, you realize what things are replacable and which ones aren't. Boy am I glad to kiss my three boys good night tonight!

1 comment:

Astraea said...

Thank God everyone is safe. This world is too crazy to take any chances. Love you guys!!!