Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ahhh at home!

Look who fell asleep in my bed while watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Visit my friend The Spence's to see,pray for and live through their life as real life Haitian advocates:)

Wow! Three weeks have gone by fast and both slow without Casey here. We desperately miss him around here. We miss his hugs, the anticipation of him coming home with the boys at the door, and playing with him after supper.

Life has been so crazy. I hit a wall today. Patton had a fever at daycare yesterday. I out of sick days at work. I called all my relatives within a 20 mile radius to see if they could watch Patton (thanks Jess, Jenna, Becca, Mike), no luck. Last but best resort...my mom. My mom came up last night, played with Bubbi in the middle of the night and hung with the boys all day.

I worked 13+ hours today...and still have more work to do. It will have to wait. I get to ploob and sew tomorrow night!!!!


JAR Family said...

oh my land... was Bub really about falling off the bed?

kayder1996 said...

Thanks for the shout out. I don't know how you do it when Casey is gone. There's only one of me and I can't stand being away from Derek.