Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Patton!

Here is the birthday boy. Doesn't he look happy? This is our serious child. When he doesn't want to smile he doesn't. I am not sure why I think this picture is funny...but it sure made my day:) (Maybe this is I miss you Daddy)
Happy Birthday Bubbi! Today he turned 2. I now know what to define his behaviors as...the TERRIBLE TWOS:) Thanks to Bob, Marilyn, Maggie and Don for coming over to help us celebrate (I really didn't want to eat the entire cake myself). It was nice to have a small group over to enjoy my test recipe for my Pampered Chef Party which is on Wednesday.

Thanks for all the emails and phone calls (especially my mom's at 7:10 that woke me up. Yikes. I was showered, got two boys dressed, put a roast, cut onions and started the crock pot, meanwhile taking cupcakes and two boys to the car by 7:45.) Efficiency at it's best when you don't any time to waste.

Love you Bubbi! Happy Birthday Happy Bubbi


Cupcakes for his friends at Daycare. Mini Birthday party at the Pizza Machine in Omaha on Saturday night. It was late after the cookie making party all day. I guess when you turn two you get to go to a play land and play games. We did this with Kenner for his 2nd birthday.


Mad...why? Some stranger (Annie) probably told him to smile. He is funny like that!

Our annual cookie baking day was this weekend at Annie's house. Fun was had by all. Michelle, my cousin, Amy, Jeri, and Kendra my aunts, and Annie were the chef's. My mom was the babysitter. Thanks Annie for letting us break in your new kitchen. It was a blast!
Grandma and Baby Rylan. So cute!! The FORT...Annie's couch comes apart and makes a great fort. FUn times!!

1 comment:

kayder1996 said...

Picture number one is a great birthday picture...what a grump! And the first picture of the cake had me going "What on earth?" But the second picture made it all make sense.