Thursday, March 26, 2009

Making my home a haven

I am doing well with the meal planning, buying within my budget, not spending on silly things, and keeping my house clean (using the Motivated Mom as a guide)...but this interested me in for something new for a change. I feel that as a working mom, I am doing okay...but as any of us know, we can all use a little uppers in our lives. This is a new challenge!

My morning routine goals (before the boys get up):
1) Bible Time (daily reading)
2) Breakfast (I never eat breakfast now!)
3) Make bed
4) Get ready
5) Wake boys and get them ready

WISHFUL...I wish that I could work-out in the mornings...but that won't be reality, so I won't put it on there.
By posting things on my blog...I am held accountable by you readers:) I know many of you probably don't care, but I know that I posted it on here and someone might sporadically ask:)

If you are up for the challege as well, click on the picture at the top.
Good luck me and the rest of you that decide to do it:)

1 comment:

kayder1996 said...

You might try the book, Martha to the Max. I just finished it and it reminded me so much of how "driven" I usually am, how task oriented I can be. It's based on the story of Martha and Mary, when Jesus stopped at their home, and Martha was mad because Mary wasn't helping get the meal ready but instead was sitting at Jesus' feet, listening. One thing that really stuck with me is that I will always be a harried Martha, trying to cram as much into my day as possible. I can always easily slip back into that at the drop of a hat. But I will never be able to instantly be a relaxed, easy going Mary. So I need to be a Mary and not worry about the things I "need" to do so much. I can always fall back into my go go go mode to get that done. (I don't know if that made any sense but I hope it did.)