Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Craziness in our house - documented here!

This is an odd picture, but one I had to take to actually document the story to follow so that you don't think that I come up w/ these stories on my own in the middle of the night feeding IKE:)
Setting the stage: Note chairs in the dining room blocking anyone from entering the "Movie theater" which was showing a Football movie. I found out later the movie was starring Kenner as the football player and Patton the band. Patton was in charge of the movie theater. You will also note the SMATCH game in Kenner's hand which prompted this creative movement of a movie theater.

Story starts here: The boys and I (yes all of we were snowed in for the 2nd day in a row) were playing a game of follow Mommy's direction and get a coin for your money jar if they listened the first time. It was going SMOOTHLY and believe it or not BOTH boys (Annie Jr... I a mean Patton) were joining in. The last item was to be put away, SMATCH game. Kenner proceeded to take it into the other room when he dropped it and it spilled all over. No big deal, Patton and I went over to help Kenner. Then Patton says, "Hey Kenner ARE THOSE MOVIE TICKETS?" "What?" I was thinking...where did that come from. I quickly said, "No they aren't movie tickets, but game pieces. If you play w/ them outside of the game you will lose the pieces therefore losing the purpose of the game. No you may not use them as game pieces, but you can have a movie theater.

Patton had the biggest smile on his face. Note: no talk of movies or movie theathers had come up this day...just an example of creativity at it's finest. "That's okay mom, I will use this." holding up a marker. "Uhm, what are you going to do w/ it Patton?" I will just mark everyone's hand w/ an F that pays for the movie. (This is where the picture came into play). Patton is marking Kenner's hand w/ an F (a pretty good F, if I might say). Genius, I thought :)

Well Kenner entered the movie theater and started to play football (remember he was starring in the movie). Patton proceeded to stay at the gate for anyother movie goers. Well the movie was not well attended, so Patton decided to use his marker and write all over my brown chairs.

End of story and movie theater. this is just one example of how nice and creative Patton can be one minute and the next he is being the biggest pistol of all.

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