Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mini story about a muffin

Below is a picture of a simle and delicious banana muffin brought to us by Grandma Kelly. This morning (Sunday after day light savings time), I got up, went to Crete, did swallowing therapy with a gentleman, came back home, caught up with my coupons while Casey got the boys up and ready for church. While the boys were eating breakfast, I thought I would forgo a sitting down breakfast and eat a muffin on the way to church. I worked on picking up the house while the boys were occupied eating breakfast. It is a breathe of fresh air to come home refreshed from church and to enter a clean or I should say picked up house.

I had several things to carry to car so I thought it would be a mindless and harmless job for Kenner to carry my muffin to the car. I glanced a few times throughout the process of going to the car and loading up for church. At one moment, Kenner was holding the muffin then it switched hands to Patton. Harmless...right?
After making my third trip back from the car, I loaded Patton into the car while Casey was loading Kenner. I glanced at Kenner and said in shock and mild anger, "Where is my muffin Kenner?" "Ugh" and he peers down at his coat pocket. "IT IS IN YOUR POCKET?" maybe a bit more anger coming through. Casey chimes in, "Quite resourceful Kenner." I laugh and lose the anger part. Kenner pulls the muffin from within his coat and says, "It is broken Mommy." "It is okay Kenner." I replied and climbed into the front seat. I am starving to I proceed to take the wrapper off and begin to eat. Patton chimes in from the back seat as I am putting the first bite into my mouth, "It is broken because we dropped it Mommy." "Oh" "...BUT we stopped it before it rolled into the street and the mud, Mommy." "Yum and thank you for stopping it before it rolled into the street...because muffins in the street are not good."

If anyone knows what our sidewalks and driveways look like post snow would be gagging at the fact that I happily ate the entire muffin.

Funny times!

1 comment:

JAR Family said...

Ok, so hearing you tell me this and then reading it got a WHOLE lot funnier! Oh my, this is funny! Thanks for always bringing a smile to my day each and every day! Today it wasn't just a smile, it was laughter and tears! Happy Monday! I love you!