Monday, June 28, 2010

Kreative Kenner

Both Kenner and Patton have been extremely creative this past week. Creative can be GREAT in their eyes and FRIGHTENING in mine. Casey was gone to St. Louis last week for the Guard, so it was VBS in the morning, then major need for a nap time (for mommy) in the afternoon. The boys did need naps, but that didn't mean they actually took them.

I had the entire dining room full of art gear for his party and for VBS. It was off limits, but some how the boys didn't think that it applied to them.

Here is Kenner being creative with the outer space foam shapes. This was considered funny in my eyes:) Just snap shot of a day in the life of scheming what the day would bring them. I really really wish for a flip camera, so that I can actually document their conversations on video...maybe for my birthday:)
I haven't gotten the guts to take a pictures of the negative it brings great anger (seriously) out when I think about I will just document the results. This is Kenner "getting a mark" for doing a chore. With his creative juices, he decided to slash (yes I said slash, like with a very sharp Pampered Chef knife) all three of my slip covers. It looks like Freddy Kruger made an appearance in my front room. So this resulted in Kenner having to do 300 chores before he gets to watch cartoons again. Was it coincidence that we read the book, Berstein Bears and Too Much TV the night before this happened? I think not. It has been fun without the TV on. I think it is too funny that we went to the movie Toy Story 3 which is about toys getting loved on again as this all happened. Our toys in our own Toy Story are having a blast getting loved on again.
Later last week, I took a nap alongside Kenner and Patton or so I thought. They got up from their nap and went down to the forbidden art supply. Kenner got the tempera paints and four bowls. Proceeded to pour each color into a different bowl (which I am not sure who he knew to do this), got the big paint brush and watched his brother do his art. Patton painted one of my paychecks, our wooden floor, my fridge and the wall. The wall has yet to be covered by 4 coats of paint. To make the story even better the first coat of paint I used wasn't the right now we have a really creative kitchen wall. Then they got out the stamp pads and the one stamp. Patton must have walked in it, because his feet were black long with my carpet and everywhere he walked. Needless to say, I called my mom that day and said, "You are lucky to have two grandchildren who are still live." They were immediately sent to their room...and believe it or not they took a long nap...nice!
I got over it (or somewhat got over it) and had an all out water fight with the boys another day. I am thankful for glass doors...or I would have been drenched! It was fun!

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