Monday, June 07, 2010

Meal Planning Monday

No you aren't reading someone else's meal is mine. I have actually gotten up the energy and able to somewhat think about food in order to plan our meals this week.

L: Healthy Choice Frozen meals (yes this seems crazy...but I got them on SUPER sale and the boys think it is fun to do this once in a while:))
D: Beef Brisket w/ BBQ sauce - From Betty Crocker's Crock Pot section

L: Sack lunch in park - going to Toddler time at the Library
D: Turkey Burgers with broccoli and rice casserole

L: PB and J Sandwiches
D: Homemade Sausage and Pepper Pizza

L: leftovers (the boys and I are leaving for Hebron, then me to Salina to help my Aunt with a show)

Dinners/Lunches for Casey while we are gone: Sandwich, frozen pizza, hotdogs (special ones for him).

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