Sunday, February 14, 2010

Random January Pics

Um...well no excuse except that I have been a lazy bum around here and not blogging about it:) Casey was gone to Hawaii for two weeks, boys were sick and sent to Aurora and Hebron for a few days (or shall I say about two weeks). We started on the bathroom remodel and I have found my sewing room again. Here are a few pics of the Svitak's having fun:)
The center of Becca and Mike's quilt. I have to do the little border and the outside border. Cousins getting ready for Sesame Street Live. We had TWO great weekends with Aunt ANnie and Rylan here. We need to do it MORE often! I LOVED IT!
Kenner with his friend at preschool. Answered prayers...definitely!

Kenner and myself at Black out day at School.

Sesame Street Live

Can you say CHEESE (patton)?

Boys playing trains on our new floor:)


kayder1996 said...

Quilt looks great.

JAR Family said...

Rylan looks so stinkin' old! Where did my baby go?