Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where was I...

This weekend was a weekend full of remembering where was I...

...I was having fun with my kids playing. I missed them so much the past three weeks with sickenesses taking them to both grandparents houses and then parent teacher conferences.

...I was enjoying having conversations with my boys. We watched Pocahantas this weekend. If you would ask Kenner the name he would say, "Hokaponas." Love it! Patton has a sinus infection (the kid can't cut a break anywhere with the sicknesses) and when telling his aunt Becca about it only Patton would say, "My head hurts, but I don't have diaharrea."

...I was enjoying finding deals and blessing my family. We were able to go get free pretzels from Aunt Anne's pretzel's in the mall. As I was telling the nurses at the doctor's office to go get a free pretzel from Aunt Anne's on Saturday, I could tell that Kenner was really thinking. As we were on the way out the car, I asked Kenner what he was thinking about. He replied, "Mom, why is Aunt Annie (my sister) giving out pretzels at the mall." Love it.

...I was enjoying a clean house. The dream of having a clean house and following my Motivated Mom Planner has come to a screeching halt due to the construction of our bathroom which is attached to our kitchen. One wouldn't think such a little bathroom would create such chaos in our house...but it does along with all the other mishaps while trying to just complete the little project. In the time of us starting this little project, Kenner's old twin bed broke. It was time to transform the crib to a full sized bed. So we have both the old twin bed pieces and the old crib pieces upstairs. Laundry seems to be an never ending saga. I have been trying to strip the woodwork in the doorways to our kitchen, but trying to use very harmful chemicals and not harming myself let alone block flying footballs, puzzle pieces, ducks, and boys from getting hurt from it is also a chore.

...I was enjoying my job. I ventured into my first job interview in 8 years. I felt like I was on a first date after the love of my life of 75 years had died. Essentially that is what has happened at Crete this year. I have SUCH a desire to help people with language dificulities, but unfortunately the school setting has really changed in Crete and has caused my desire to die or be murdered. I interviewed at Bryan LGH on Friday. It was so great to talk "shop" with other SLP's and see the profession at work. That is where my desire see my graduate and undergraduate education at work. I am hoping that a year off will allow my faith to grow in my profession and also to get my "love" back of my profession. I saw a glimpse of it yesterday.

...I was on facebook 24/7. I have found a stack of magazines that I haven't read in 6 months. I have found my books I got for Christmas and am loving them. I have found Go Fish with two non-language impaired kids is REALLY fun. This facebook thing is a lot of fun, but it also sucks alot of fun out my family.

...I was allowing dust to collect in my sewing room. I am getting some projects or shall I say parts of them done a little bit at at time. It is fun to have that time back. It is amazing what turning off the TV and staying away from the computer does to time.

I just thank God for all the reflections he showed me this weekend. I am so blessed to have all that I have, but many times I don't take time to love on them. I hope you all have a blessed week and can take time to love the little things in your life:)

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