Sunday, February 28, 2010

Super Saver baggers

So anyone that knows me that grocery shopping is not an easy task, especially when I get to the check out so that I can make sure I am getting the right price and also getting the correct coupons and also matching the prices that I need to be priced from various stores. This is a job that normally is something I would do childless. I was not blessed to do that the boys were with me. As soon as they unloaded the cart, they are usually off looking at the movies or getting into something that I have to pay for later. Today they wer exceptionally quiet. I couldn't see them any where. Then I glanced down at my cart and I saw that I already had two bags in my cart that were bagged. I glanced down at the end of the line where the bags where and there were two little head sticking out. They were busily bagging my groceries...or shall I say, Kenner was bagging the groceries and Patton was pressing the button to get the groceries to the end of the line. It was so cute and I was so proud of them. I took two pictures and everyone in Super Saver was looking at me. Little did they know I have a crowd to please on my blog:) so having an illustration to go along with my story makes it even better.
I am so proud to have two little boys growing up so fast. They got to play outside yesterday and the TV was not on all day!! WOO HOO! Hopefully it continues to stay nice outside. I am almost at a momentous mark with my blog with 15,000 hits:) Most of them coming from me probably:)

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