Sunday, October 17, 2010

What weekend:)

My dreams of being able to entertain people at our house w/out a formal function of a birthday party or holiday was a success for both the party and for not freaking out before everyone got here.

Really...if you haven't checked out Fly Lady and you are constantly fighting w/ keeping up with simple housework and need to begin to fly. It has given me the chance to life guilt free for not keeping up with my house, feeding my family frugally and somewhat healthy and staying on top of the activities that we have been able to do w/out thinking differently.

Her way of life is not a system, but a guide for a person to adapt to their life style. I was able to have people say, "Wow your house looks nice." this weekend w/out me should because I cleaned it for hours upon hours before you came:)

We had an absolute great weekend. I am sorry I don't have is in the shop. Friday night we had TWIG - Third Weekends in Groups at Zion. We played a hilliarious new game and those of us there were there experienced a new level of laughter and friendship. It was fun.
*I was worried what I was going to feel knowing that my friends at Crete had the day off. My thoughts and fears were quenched when I was at home by 4:00 on Monday and Thursday (days of Parent Teacher conferences) and didn't have a HUGE change to our schedule. I even worked LATE (4:00 he he) on Friday w/out guilt. This new lifestyle is such a Godsend:) for me and my family.

Saturday, well Saturday...we lost at football, but I definitely didn't lose in the making memories category. I was able to spend the day w/ my boys, Kendra, Trevor, Kenner, Jeri, Jayden, Annie, Rylan, Craig, Abby, Caleb, Becca, Mom, Dad, Jim and Jan. It was fun to provide everyone w/ food w/out having to be in the kitchen all day (thanks to freezer cooking and crockpot Chili:)

Sunday was another great day. I love teaching the 3 year olds (Patton's class). It is fun to teach the simple stories of the bible and make them come to life. All the energy that I put into teaching at school is being funneled into Patton's Sunday School (with MUCH less work:)). We created a HUGE rainbow above Noah's Arc today to remember God's promise to never send a flood like that again.

Loved this weekend and ready for a new week. Yes I am writing...I am excited to go back to work tomorrow...only to start another great week w/ my job and family.

Hope you had a great weekend too!

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