Monday, March 07, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandpa Jimmy

There are a few people in this world as special as my Grandpa Jim. (Photo courtesy of Patton). My Grandpa turned 86 this week. To anyone that knows him, you wouldn't guess his age d/t to his inability to act like it. Instead he camoflauges himself into a 60 year old. My mom allowed the boys and I to ride down w/ her on Thursday to Gilead for $1.00 burger night (yes that is a dollar no typo) to suprise him. My mom came up with the idea because it is hard to give him something as gift to him for his birthday...but she immediately thought of the boys. Although a HANDFUL, the boys LOVE LOVE LOVE hanging out with their Great Grandpa. He takes them to play down in his train shop, to the bottle shop to get treats, ice cream (in season), and drives to Belvidere to see real trains. I am so blessed to have so many grandparents in my life and my boys are continually blessed to get to make such great memories with not only their grandparents but great grandparents as well!

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