Sunday, March 20, 2011

What we have been up to...

making forts inside and getting to sleep inside them.

smiling and almost giggling (ike).

playing OUTSIDE. Our neighbor Lina has a ton of great toys. Her mom said she has been waiting inside all winter and any ounce of noise that Lina hears, she comes running to her mom and says, "THE BOYS ARE OUTSIDE, THE BOYS ARE OUTSIDE." We are very lucky to have a neighbor to play with.

saying things like this to get out of work, "Uh mom, Kenner will pick up my jammies...he is the BIG brother and that is what big brother's do."

waiting on word from Boise for yet another cousin...will is be a boy or girl?

working on the van and putting a new motor in it.

moving our big honkin desk downstairs and replacing it with a computer hutch to allow us more room in our TV room.

sleeping 5-7 hours (not EVERY night) (ike)

Hope you have been up to a lot as well!

1 comment:

JAR Family said...

You and ME both waiting on the news from Boise! Followed your recommendation on getting a massage, pedi, and mani... perfect! I feel great! Maybe better with the massage than the other two but still felt GREAT!!! :) Thanks to my AMAZING husband for surprising me with all three! THANK YOU!! Now hopefully it will kick into labor. :) I'm ready and Rylan says he's ready to be a big brother!!! :)