Sunday, March 13, 2011

Look who is 2 months old

After a hard hours work on new toys. Ike is looking, tracking and even attempting to hit these toys. Now clarification needs to be done through more observations...actually attempting to hit them or they just happen to be in the line of his reflex. Look at me the chubbi-wubbi. We got to weigh him at our check up on Wednesday.

Look who smiles now...(and no he didn't have gas for this picture). Just relaxing and resting...that is until my one or both of my brother's try to love on me.
This was an attempt to get a photo of his cubby arms. The rolls keep coming.

1 comment:

JAR Family said...

LOVE this picture!!! I can't believe how big he is... and I haven't even been able to meet him in person yet! :(