Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bathroom blinds

Wow! It is amazing what little things excite me these days. I figured out how to get our blinds within the window to work and I got to CLEAN OUR SHOWER upstairs. I felt so proud to be the first one to use the shower head to clean our shower!!! I also got the privledge to clean our new bathtub. Our bathroom is looking amazing!!! The windows are in, scrapped clean of all stain and varnish and cleaned! It is so fun to see it almost done. I am hoping we can finish the rest this weekend.

I didn't have any huge catastrophe happen tonight (like last night and the stain everywhere!) I better hit the sack before something does happen. I have my first Pampered Chef party tomorrow, last day of SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!!!!, and I have to put two coats of varnish on the rest of the woodwork (one before I go to school) and one after school or party. This will put me on the timeline of scraping and cleaning the windows on Friday am so that I can put the windows back, clean the upstairs, and get it back for my two little boys to come home! THERE IS NO WAY I WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DO THIS WITH THE BOYS HERE! I WOULD HAVE HAD MORE THAN THE FLOOR AND BED SKIRT STAINED!!!! Thank God for all the family I have!!!

Well it is 1:15 and I need to get to bed...but for all of you that check this blog everyday (Kendra, Annie, Astrea and crew)...have a great day! Love you!

1 comment:

Astraea said...

We check everyday! :)