Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Finding Nemo

Here is the story: Kenner loves Nemo. We have never watched it at our house and I don't believe they have watched it much at daycare...but Delaney (Kenner's girlfriend) LOVES NEMO! She has Nemo shoes, clothes and had a NEMO cake for her birthday. So Kenner has developed a love for Nemo thanks to Delaney (which is fun to hear him say, "Nemo"). Anyway...I got out his Nemo pajama's that Aunt Becca gave him last year. I could only find his shorts, so I went to look for the shirt in his 18-24 month clothing tub. In the time that I went into Kenner's closet, got out his tub of clothes, went through the clothes and turned around...HE HAD CLEANED OUT HIS ENTIRE CLOSET AND PUT IT INTO THE CRIB. That would normally be okay...but I had just put Patton in there, because Kenner decided to tackle Patton and he took a nose dive into the floor. The crib was a cage to protect him from the "big brother." Little did I know that BIG BROTHER could still get him in the crib. I could not believe that about 1 1/2 minutes went by and he had cleaned out everything off his shelves in his closet (except hanging clothes...but they were next) and put it in the crib where Patton was! I was laughing so hard...I could hardly go get the camera! Pictures below depict the scene I came on to:
Patton with a full crib Kenner telling me all about his cleaning adventure...note the level of things in the bed -even with the top of the front side!!!
Kenner posing! He is really into posing for pictures these days!
Kenner showing me his closet after cleaning the bottom shelves!
One last shot of poor Patton! You are such a good sport:)
Story ending: I was not successful in finding the Nemo Kenner cleaned out his closet for nothing (except giving Mommy one more thing to clean up!)

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