Monday, June 04, 2007

Day at Grandma's

This post should actually be dated:4/26/07. My mom had the boys for a couple days in April because I didn't have a babysitter for a few here is what she had to say one morning...

The day began on a good note (Patton did not get up during the night)........BUT Kenner had messed with the alarm clock so we thought we were getting up at a normal time 6:30 but it was really like 6:00.

Kenner realized that his cheerios expanded so after he dropped his spoon he was eating his cheerios by finger (they fit perfectly on the tip of his finger) one at a time. He also thought this was funny.

Patton put himself to sleep this noon by sucking his thumb (I even took a picture of it).

Mom came over so I could run a few errands. We also put Patton in the clothes basket. Kenner went to town pulling him around. I think Kenner was confused when I told him to say goodbye to g-ma.

Kenner can say g-pa very well.

Patton seems afraid of me. Not sure if it is the glasses, my light hair or just me! He also loves to be held and loves his blanket.

Sassie has completely ruined one of my chair pads and has the living room looking like a tornado. It is almost like she is jealous and does this for attention.

I now understand why you put them to sleep early. I am not sure how you do it Rhiannon or how I did it. Patton reminds me of Andrea as a baby.

I need to get a few more things done before Mr. Kenner wakes up. Patton is being good now.

Carlece aka Grandma

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