Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Remodeling woes and stained toes

Many thanks to my mom and Kendra! My mom has my two boys for a couple days and Kendra came and cleaned our house tonight, while I continued to sand, stain, and varnish our upstairs. We are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO close to "flipping" our house. The bathroom went from 95% to 97% done today. Our bedrooms are not coming as quickly...due to the entire can of stain falling off of the ladder and on to our floors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything has gone somewhat well with the trim upstairs, besides me using 60 grit sand paper and having to hand sand for hours in order to redo my 60 grit sanding before! UGH After the sanding was finished...I started to stain and varnish. The bathroom and the end bedroom windows are finished!!! YIPPEEE. I stained the windows in Kenner/Patton's room and our bedroom and left the stain can open on the ladder. I answered the phone, went downstairs, then started to talk to Kendra, said goodbye to Kendra and then thought...I need to book it! I have a lot to get done tonight. I tore into the bedroom where the ladder was (because I needed to take tape off the walls in the bathroom) and grabbed the ladder. I suddenly realized that the can of stain was on the ladder and now on my floor, on my feet, on our walls, under our bed, in our rocking chair, on the bed skirt and THANK GOODNESS NOT ON OUR BED (which was within inches of hitting).

I was unable to save the bed skirt..but will be looking for similar material to make a new side to the skirt. The stain did come out of the wall...for now, and I got it all off the floor!

Ugh! It was a great reminder that no one is perfect except God and even when I want to acheive it or think I am achieving it...he graciously reminds me that I am not!

Love you all and good night. Nigh-Night Bubba's

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