Monday, August 04, 2008

Fat Finger

I took some great pictures of the boys yesterday during popsicle time...don't you love them?

How do you like the blog? I have SO MUCH TO DO with today being my first day back...but what do I do...update my blog:) hmm priorities:)

Today was a fun day back at work. We didn't have beginning of the year meetings, instead it was a casual day that we listened and were trained in our new reading series. Since when do a bunch of teachers get to sit around, laugh, joke, and sit back and listen during the first weeks of school...NEVER. Everyone is always so busy getting everything ready. That will be next week, but for now it is nice:)
I had so much planned to do tonight, but all of those plans changed when the first thing on my list was to check my garden.

Kenner and Patton had the basket and wagon ready for garden produce. I went for the first tomato and (no not a snake) I got STUNG! This would be the 2nd time in a month. Ugh. I am allergic to them, so I told Kenner to get Bubbi and run into the house. They were really mean today. I praise the bees for a great garden harvest and then run them into the ground for stinging me...?!?

So my finger began to swell as big as a cucumber. I thought maybe I should do something. Meat tenderizer works great for this...if you have the right tenderizer. I am so thankful for living in such a great small town. I went over to my friend Pat Smith's house (her daughter has the Chelton family blog), whom I always go over there for emergencies:) THANK YOU PAT! Her tenderizer didn't work, neither did our other neighbor's the Brandt's, so I called trusty Aunt Kendra and Uncle Trevor. At this point I couldn't even bend my finger:) I drove into town and Kendra got different things from Russ's.

What came out of this...a great home cooked dinner for Patton, Kenner and I (Casey was working late), a minimally fat finger, and great love for all the support I have around me. So many people were baffled that I was doing a lot of the little things for Kendra's wedding...words can't explain the love, support, and friendship I have with Kendra. Thank you Kendra!!! I really don't know what I would do without you!
After dinner and the bee incident, we came home, gave the boys a bath, put them to bed, mowed the yard, and updated my blog! SO MANY OTHER THINGS TO DO...but for some reason blogging is much more fun!


RT said...

I'm glad Kenner is okay. I couldn't believe your last post--yikes!

Astraea said...

I love how the popsicles match their shirts!

The Chelton's said...

Ok, I have to agree with the color coordination of the shirts, you planned that didn't you?

Had to give you a hard time, fat finger and all.

Have fun a work, I go back on Monday, I am not looking forward to it at all.


Anonymous said...

Love the new blog!