Sunday, December 21, 2008

DPP 21 and DADDY's HOME!

We were able to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus tonight at the Sprague Community Church's Christmas program. Thanks to the Mrs we were able to actually sit and not scream too:) was the first day in 6+ weeks that I was able to sit down and make a choice of what I WOULD like to do versus do what I HAD to get done in order to stay ahead of the game. Reason: Daddy is home! Man alive it is great to have your better half home.
Poor Daddy's car got backed into not even being home 1 1/2 hours yesterday. Daddy had to move his car after that incident and you would have thought the boys were never going to see him again. They were sobbing until Daddy appeared again and then they were EXCITED!!!
Welcome home Love!

1 comment:

kayder1996 said...

So glad Casey's back.