Saturday, July 12, 2008

David's Bridal/Windex Commercial

To any of you that have been to a David's Bridal know that the dressing area is ALL mirrors.

Kenner, Patton and I joined my mom and sister, Becca, there last night to start to find THE dress for Becca to wear in a year from yesterday.

Kenner and Patton had a blast with the little circle steps. About one dress into the time we were there, Kenner was about 4 feet away from a dressing room aka mirror when he said, "Bubbi" (in the tone of Hey Bubbi wait for me!) and then BOOM! Just like a windex commercial.

Poor Kenner didn't have anyone to receive sympathy from because the store was silent with belly laughing. My mom, Becca and myself (which I was flat on the ground) were all LAUGHING! It couldn't have been written for a better Windex Commercial.

I have never seen Kenner's face SO RED. Sorry no pictures, because by the time I was finished laughing I needed to give Kenner a hug and not reinact it.

We went out to eat with the crew plus Casey and then went home. On the way home, Kenner was really really wanting Grandma. I asked him if he wanted to stay with Grandma and he said, "I can! Only one kid mom. That's me! Just one kid mom." I said, "No Bubbi." He replied, "One kid mom, that's me!" So needless to say, I am waiting for Bubbi to wake up so we can go pick up Kenner at who is with Grandma.

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