Friday, July 04, 2008

Minnesota Part 1

We had a great time in Minnesota! Here is a picture of the boys taking a break from the car somewhere in Minnesota. It was our first and only break of a 9 hour car ride. THEY DID GREAT! Kenner all ready to go out on the boat! Let's go taking pictures!
Great Gpa with the two boys!
Kenner takes a picture like this every year...2007, 2006
Look how he has grown by clicking on the other pictures! BOY am I glad I have a blog...I don't even know where to begin to look for those pictures only taken two years ago!
Daddy and Bubbi!
GREAT GRANDMA JAN made it in a picture. We never get to take a pic with Grandma Jan...but we thought we had better this year to give her credit for all the great cookies she made us and we ate in a matter of two days!
Kenner's new birthday toy!
Bubb and Great Gpa - I'm not sure what to think of this boat thing...
Oh! That is where the button to the horn is?
Great Grandpa had an audience for his little train in his work room.

The Svitak Family by the made famous sign (by Tay and her AZ crew)
Mommy and her boys! I was attempting to tan for Kendra's wedding coming up...but as you can see there wasn't much sun. Oh was a good try!
Boys trying to find fish.
I am getting a hang of this boating thing...especially the throttle!
Mamma goose and her goslings (sp?)

Bubb trying to be like Great Gpa

Kenner and Great Gpa riding the waves in the pontoon
Hey Gpa - I really like this! Thanks for letting us come up! I love you!
Great Gpa getting a lesson in how to play baseball and not break any windows.
Great Gma and her favorite great grandson named Patton

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