Thursday, July 10, 2008

No not remodeling is just

an entire bottle of POWDER!!!

While on the phone with my Aunt Jane, I over heard the two generals in the back room saying something about a bottle...but I didn't think much of it.

After a couple minutes on the phone (note I said COUPLE MINUTES = 2 or 3 minutes) I decided to see what was going on. I entered my kitchen and noticed a cloud of white dust. It was similar to drywall sanding dust, which almost sent me over the edge because we have lived that mess and it wasn't too fun.

I proceeded to find this....(pics are self explanatory except that yes that is Kenner SLIDING through the powder like it is snow!)

Note the dust in the air. I couldn't be in there until it settled, because it was hard to breathe. Poor toys!
Kenner sliding and doing snow/powder angels. I guess it is Christmas in July in our house.

To make matters even worse, I made spaghetti for supper. A DEFINITE BATH NIGHT! Here is the instigator of the entire thing. How did I know that he was the one doing it....
you hair looks like a fawn's back by throwing the powder out of the container.
After seeing Bubbi's hair I was laughing, but after trying to clean up powder for 1 1/2 days off might not be so funny!
Note to self: if a child does decide to use an entire bottle of powder, try cleaning up the powder first with water then with a vaccuum. A vaccuum doesn't really do anything except create more of a mess!
The boys had an 1 hour bath because it gave me time to clean up the supper, Rice Krispies, and powder. While I was busy, they poured out all the bubble baths I had for "looks" in my bathroom. So my house smelled eucalyptus/powder fresh.


Astraea said...


Anonymous said...

WOW! I can honestly say I've never had that happen but, we've had other messy adventures! What a hoot! It only takes a few minutes, I know!