Sunday, July 06, 2008

Misc Pics Part 1

I should be put on the bad list for keeping my blog updated...but of course I have many excuses:) Here are some fun random pictures of the boys, Emily, and I hanging out.
I, of all people, got Kenner finger paints for his birthday. What was I thinking?...$1.00 in the Target bins. So after 6 minutes of fun, we put the boys in the bathtub (reasoning in the picture below) and I threw them out. I will be Googling non-toxic edible finger paints soon. No Bubbi is wasn't fun colored jello! Hmm...time for a bath.
Happy Birthday Grandpa! We all suprised my dad in Omaha on June...16th or 17th (sorry Dad I can't remember your birthday) and went out to eat with all the kids. It was fun and when you become a grandpa there isn't any more of eating your birthday dessert by yourself!
As promised...Bubbi and the Monkey story. Bubbi continues to be just like a Monkey! One day I heard him ask if he could have a banana, but after so many times of being asked...I kind of ignored him. Well so much for ignoring him. He figured out how to open a banana all by himself...ALL of them! Good thing I have a dehydrator and none of the banana's went to waste.

Lunch on the deck. FINALLY I was able to clean off our deck that was previously known as the garage (when we didn't have one), catch all for the extras for our remodeling projects, and a toy chest for all our outside toys. Nothing better than hotdogs and mac-n-cheese! Yum Yum!

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