Saturday, September 20, 2008

SaturDAY not WEEK?

Well this weekend (the whole day of it) has been long but REALLY FUN! I can't believe all the things we fit into one day. I guess it helps when your boys wake you up at 6:30 am! I was a bit tired, because on Thursday night I decided to stay late (if you consider leaving the school at Midnight late) at school to attempt to get caught up from being gone and also count the money with my friend, Heather from our fundraiser. I say, "our" because Heather and I are the Elementary Stu-Co sponsors. Any guesses as to how much we sold (or have counted so far)???

34,000. No I didn't put too many zeros in it! Red Apple Fundraising is who we used and their products are great. We have to finish counting the others tommorrow (see here I go thinking that today was an entire weekend) ON MONDAY we will finish counting it.

The boys and I sorted out toys, re-arranged toys in to bigger/smaller boxes in order to keep our house look somewhat put together...I guess as much as you can when you don't have the most important part of your house the KITCHEN!

While the boys and I had fun doing that, I did 5 loads of laundry and stripped beds. I am not sure what it is with Saturdays in the Fall...but I love them. It is nice to open the windows, clean your house, and listen to football (unfortunately for us it was an off week for the Huskers).

I called Aunt Kendra and she invited (or maybe I asked for her to take them:)) the boys to Uncle Curtis' cattle pinning competition and to a soccer game. I dropped them off at the soccer complex (HUGH BTW). They had never been to a soccer game, so they were amazed. I bet we begin to kick more things!! I went and ate a grown up lunch with my friend Sarah Ahrens. We talked shop (Speech Language Pathology) then I debated...hmmm run errands or get a pedicure. You know what I chose...pedicure. I thought I might need to since the last time my nails were even touched was Kendra's wedding...July 5th. YUCK yes but Ahh so nice!! La Guna Nail Spa is awesome. Thanks to my friend Jenny Piening for pointing that place out. Hot rocks, orange peels, hot towels...ahh I really could go every other day. I could forgo the painting of the isn't necessary. Could I sub that for more massaging?

Back to the real world rhiannon! While I was basking in the aroma of a pedicure, the boys went with Craig, Trevor, and Kendra to the cattle pinning contest. They finished a little before my pedicure was done, so they got to go to Aunt Kendra's house and watch CARS! THEY LOVE THAT SHOW!

On our way home I knew that Daddy wasn't going to be home soon (he had guard drill this weekend), I called my friend Heather to see her new house. We went and saw it. IT IS AWESOME!!! So cool!! Then we got to play at her mom's house and just hang and talk girl talk with an intermittent scolding of our sons throwing sand, not sharing, hitting. Gotta love when boys play.

We stayed there and then came home around 7:30, ate supper while watching Ratitoulle (sp?). Daddy had never seen it. I really like that show:) took a bath and hit the sack (or should I say the boys did). I have managed to do two more loads of laundry, finish Casey's painting (Because he was beat from Guard Drill and painting last night), grade my language books for school and BLOG!

I am tired and need to go to bed, after I post grades...ugh!

Update on the kitchen. Cupboards arrive 10/1 or that is when they tell us. All sanded and mudded, ceilings done, and 1 1/2 coats of primer. I need to decide what color for the walls and counter (concrete).

Have a great Sunday! What a but boy am I tired!

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