Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thursday and more pancakes Mom!

Kenner did have another fever last night as his Tylenol wore off. He hasn't had one this morning. The doctors said that this is pretty normal to see after a long strenuous day of working. They said that he doesn't have anything else, but just that his body is continuing to fight his infection.

I have been ordering him 1/2 portions of his meals, because he hasn't been eating them very much and I hate to waste the food. Today he had one pancake, eggs, peaches, and OJ. After we were all done, he requested, "I want more pancakes Mom." So no more 1/2 portions. Our little Kenner is coming back. I told the food service ladies that they may want to give more than the normal portion because he eats alot!!!

When I woke up this morning, I went over to him, kissed him and said Good Morning. He said, "Good Morning Mom, I want to go home!" Yeah!! Now we have even more motivation to walk more around our room. I feel so bad that Kenner can see all the little kids having fun outside his room running around the floor with their wagons and we are stuck in here. Oh well! He is getting better. We did walk around the bed from the wheelchair (which is completely adorable!) to the other side of the bed. I used minimal help, but then he about fell over. So I went back to moderate assistance. He did take a few more steps on his own. We will still work on it!

The doctor said that if he is walking more and more today then we will get to go home TOMORROW! THANK GOD IT IS FRIDAY!!!!! We will be going to Sprague so I can get some new clothes (wearing the same two pairs of shorts, underwear, and clothes makes a person appreciate your closet at home!), check on our kitchen (Casey has been busily working on it with Trevor, Bob, Marvin, and several other helpers. Last night they were drywalling!!!), and then go to Aurora to rest and relax with Grandma Kelly, Grandpa Dennis, Levi and Lucy's help.

Have a great Thursday!

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