Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Smile for grandpa!

Grandpa Pat came to help relieve me today. After I wrote the last post, I came back and asked the nurses if we could go to the HUGE PLAY area. I thought this might motivate him to get up and feel better. Grandpa and I went - me with Kenner and Grandpa with the IV - to the play room (note: this floor has a lot of toys and not clothes like my post read from last night:)). I held Kenner while Grandpa played basketball, fooze (sp?) ball, and Thomas trains. While playing fooze ball, I put Kenner's hand on the bar and told him "Go get Grandpa's ball." His little hand took hold and turned it 2-3 times and then he looked up at Grandpa and I with a 1/2 a smile.

It was the first time he made any move upwards (as opposed to frowning) on his face in a week. He then sat in the wagon and went around the floor with Grandpa. He sometimes laid his head on the back and looked up, but some of the time he looked like a normal little boy.

When we arrived back at our room we were met by the floor's pediatrician who said that we can't go out of the room due to him being placed back into isolation due to his cough. The doctor also started him on withdrawal medicine, because he has tremors, hasn't talked, doesn't sleep, etc. This medication he will be on for 5 days and tastes horrible. He got a chocolate malt tonight and hopefully will be getting to be more like Kenner.

We have the isolation 'suite' on this floor. It has two doors to enter so that they can garb up and then come in. This also makes it feel like we are in a hotel or something. As compared to PICU, there aren't any beeps and very quiet. Hopefully with this new medicine he will begin to be more like Kenner.

Thanks to Craig for continuing to bring his computer. It is a haul to go to the Family Resource Center.

A special prayer request for Ridge, our friend with 1/2 heart we met in PICU. His parents have to make some very big decisions about going down to St. Louis to wait for a heart, finding care for their other two children (their mom is a stay at home mom) and just be themselves. They do know that God has a plan for all of us and have made quite a place in my heart. Pray that Ridge's fluids might become less and that his parents will be able to clearly hear God's plan and know what to do.

Rhi (I am feeling a bit better than when I wrote before because his smile brought joy to my heart, thanks for listening. Even if no one checks this blog, I am able to get things off my chest and be less of a mess for the doctors and nurses here.)


Jantzen Family said...


I had to check the blog one last time before going to bed. Please know that you are doing amazing in the midst of this trial and that we love all of you!

Trevor called me at work today to tell me that all of the nurses at Saint Elizabeth were asking how little Kenner was doing. He said that tears were shed when they found out that Kenner was off of the vent!!

You be sure to tell Kenner that the movie "Cars" is waiting at Uncle Trevor's and Aunt Kenny's house for him!!

Love you and am praying for your night.


JAR Family said...


All I have to say is that you are doing a wonderful job of keeping such a great attitude when I am sure it is hard to keep it all together especially with the lack of sleep that you have gotten. I am sure there is a lot of frustration and anger that comes with it but a ton of joy when you were able to see your first smile today. You are doing a great job. What a roller coaster. Things will come around Rhiannon... remember our God is good and has a plan for all of us. WE are all thinking and praying a ton for all of you. Hopefully tonight you can get some much needed sleep.
I'm praying for you!
Lots of Love & Good Night!
Hugs and Kisses,