Monday, September 01, 2008

It's out!

Kenner is now breathing on our air with some support through his nose and is not on any medication until he shows us that he is in pain.

He is showing his rather stubborn self now with not opening his eyes and sleeping.

WOW! It is great to see him with the tubes!



JAR Family said...

HOORAY! Party in your room! We will keep praying that things keep going so well.

The JAR's

Jantzen Family said...


I am brought to tears as I read your mom's blog this afternoon.

As you know Kenner one of my favorite things to do with you and Bubby is to sing the song "Jesus Loves Me This I Know for the Bible Tells Me So" when you are tring to go to bed.

As I sat in your hospital room and watched your little body, I could not help but sing that song over and over in my head. As you know the words to the song are "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so. Little one to you belong, you are weak but He is strong."

Kenner for the last three years I have sang that song to you so that it would bring comfort to you. During the last couple of days as I watched you in the hospital, I have had to sing that song to myself to remind me that although you are indeed weak, we have a God that is strong and able to provide what is needed for both you and all of your family members who love you.

Tell your mom and dad that Uncle Trevor and I hope to be up to see you right after work tomorrow.

I love you.

Aunt Kenny.

Anonymous said...

O my...what a week! We're praying for you guys, and glad to see God is answering prayer and giving Kenner a fighting spirit to overcome his illness! Love you guys!!

SAH Blonde said...

Yay! We've been out at the fair all day so I'm just reading this. Oh, it's so exciting he's breathing on his own!

kayder1996 said...

So glad things are getting better. Thinking of you lots! (Just bought way too much fabric at Hobby Lobby....)